Mediterranean Sea

After seven years of false accusations, defamatory statements, and a blatant criminalisation campaign towards organisations performing search and rescue operations at sea, the investigation launched by the prosecutor's office in Trapani, Sicily in late 2016 was dismissed today. The case saw...

Right after I returned to Hong Kong from a maritime search and rescue assignment, I talked about my hopes and dreams with my friends. I dream of world peace.

With almost 2,200 children, women, and men reported missing or dead in the Central Mediterranean this year, 2023 has already earned the unenviable record of being the deadliest year on this migration route since 2017. In its new report, No one came to our rescue (click the hyperlink to download),...
Following the shipwreck of 14 June which left up to 500 people dead or missing off the coast of Greece, Médecins Sans Frontieres denounces EU migration policies and calls for accountability over the lives lost and for a dedicated, proactive, state-led search and rescue mechanism at sea. “The lack...
Ahead of the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan, Dr Christos Christou, International President of Médecins Sans Frontières, urges the leaders of the G7 countries to make a long-term commitment to safeguarding humanitarian assistance despite highly polarized conflicts and tensions across continents. The...

Maurizio Debanne has recently returned from the Mediterranean, where he was part of the MSF team rescuing people as they escape from often appalling conditions in Libya. He shares his experience.

A team from Médecins Sans Frontières is offering psychological support to the survivors of a shipwreck that killed at least 62 people, including 12 children, a few hundred meters from Steccato di Cutro, southern Italy, on 26 February. About 180 people, mostly from Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan,...
We, civil organisations engaged in search and rescue (SAR) activities in the central Mediterranean Sea, express our gravest concerns regarding the latest attempt by a European government to obstruct assistance to people in distress at sea. A new law decree, signed by the Italian President on 2...
Libyans desperate to flee violence risk the dangerous crossing to Europe...... On November 2, the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on migration between the Italian and Libyan governments will automatically renew for three years. The European Union (EU)-sponsored agreement has seen millions of...
Twenty-six survivors of a shipwreck in the Mediterranean Sea have received psychological first aid from a team from Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) after arriving in the Sicilian port of Pozzallo on 12 September. The survivors, all Syrians and Afghans, left the coast of...
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