MSF Hong Kong Financial Overview 2022



There is a legal obligation to explain that the figures listed above are only partial but not the full set of specified financial statements (i.e., statutory annual financial  statements) for the year ended 31 December 2022. Those statements were prepared in accordance with the Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards and in compliance with the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance (HKCO) and have been delivered to the Hong Kong Companies Registry. They were also approved by the Board of MSF Hong Kong and were audited by the auditor, Ernst & Young. The auditor’s report was unqualified, 
which means that they are of the view that the statutory annual financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of the organisation as at 31 December 2022 and of its financial performance for the year then ended. The auditor did not refer to any matters which they drew by way of emphasis without qualifying their report, which means they did not have reservations about the statements. And they did not include any comments as required under section 406(2), 407(2), or (3) of the HKCO. These sections require the auditor to state in their report if the information in the directors’ report is inconsistent with the financial statements; accounting records have not been adequately kept; financial statements are not in agreement with accounting records or they fail to obtain information or explanations necessary for their work. The full set of audited financial statements is available at

99.6% 85.7%
Donations from the public Social mission
0.4% 8.9%
Other income Fundraising 
  Management and general administration


Explanatory Notes on Financial Overview 2022
(1) 99.6 % of donations came from public donations.
(2)  A total of HKD 236,576,054 was allocated for emergency and medical programmes in around 39 countries and regions. HKD 25,824,652 was transferred to Operational Centre Brussels and then set aside to cover relief expenses in unforeseeable emergencies.
(3) 85.7% total income went to social mission.
(4) In 2022, MSF Hong Kong maintained a “zero reserve” policy: all donations received, after the fundraising, management and general administration, finance expenses and exchange difference, were fully dispensed for social mission.