Hong Kong Field Workers

The recent civil war in South Sudan has been heating up and our surgical team at Bor has received a request for assistance from another MSF project located at Old Fangak. 
As a humanitarian aid worker, I have always had conflicting wishes. On the one hand, I hope to save more lives, but on the other hand I pray the world no longer need aid workers, there are no more wars or natural disasters.
In our project hospital, the growing need for neonatal and maternal care was clear, as these are the vulnerable groups affected by Yemen’s ongoing war.
I am happy to return to Bossangoa of Central African Republic, which I came 2 years ago when the huge humanitarian crisis started.
Here we try to plant seeds of hope, but in the aftermath of civil war... 

(Continue of Gogrial - Paradise of kindness and brutality (1) ) As there are only two doctors, me and another Burmese physician Kyi, weekend rest days do not really exist. 

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