
Just returned from the hospital, I’m not sure whether I have made a right decision.
Good news of the young man with GSW remains stable. But there is still a long way to go as his chest is getting stiff after multiple transfusion. Again, we can see the beauty of mankind in this kind of situation.
Busy day, two gun shot wounds and one road traffic accident case in the morning. Still in the Operating Theatre, waiting for the recovery of a young man.
The whole world is now concentrating on the swine flu and the possible pandemic. Recovery from the financial crisis would bond to be delayed.
Today manage to send the e-mail to Clara, hope you can share my experience in AlTahl.
Day after prayer day, it starts to be quite busy.
Today is Friday, the prayer day. We don’t have elective procedure done. We have a rest day after the morning ward round. I have some reading at guest house.
It’s my first day in the hospital. It is not busy, only around ten patients with two operations done. But I need to make a difficult decision. There was a 100yrs old man, bed bounded, admitted 3 days ago with infected, gangrene left foot.
It took us around 8 hours to go from Sanaa to Al Tahl. We started early because we need to get to our destination before sunset.
It was another long day of briefing with different parties. MSF project is to provide nutrition, outreach, outpatient and emergency surgical services in three areas of the Sanaa Governovate in the North of Yemen.
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