
I spent 11 hours in Doha, waiting for transit to Sanaa, capital city of Yemen. I finally arrived at the guest house at around 8pm. I was first told to have departure at 5am the next morning.
South Sudan- It sounds like a place stricken by a biblical plague- disease after unimaginable disease, all come to rest in one pitiful region of a vast African country.
Dear friends,
Early on October 29, an earthquake measuring a 6.4 on the Richter scale struck the district of Ziarat, Pakistan.
I wake up before my alarm goes off at 5 am and sleepily go through my morning routine- bathroom, dress up and have breakfast.  We're in the car by 6 am ready to patrol the coastline of South Yemen to provide assistance to Somali and Ethiopian arriva
Today is Good Friday. May I wish you all a happy Easter Holiday.
Return again after another emergency C-section at 9pm.
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