Blogs & Stories

“Doctor, doctor! Please come immediately!” Mama Teresa, our head nurse grabbed my hand the second I jumped off the MSF car in front of the office. “Come, come!” she urged. We rushed into the ward. And there laid an unconscious little boy. Beside him...
American medical doctor Theresa Chan is in Cambodia, based in MSF's hepatitis clinic in Phnom Penh. Here she blogs about a patient suffering the devastating consequences of hepatitis C, catalysed by lack of access to care in the country. Midway...
Jonathan Whittall has been working in MSF’s newly opened field trauma hospital in a village to the south of Mosul for three weeks. The facility has received more than 1,296 patients since it opened on February 16, around half of whom were women (261...
On this trip to the Old Fangak hospital, in addition to gaining the experience to complete the transformation of the operating room and dealing with mass casualty, the biggest honor was to get to know the legendary Dr Jill. I met Dr Jill on my first...
The recent civil war in South Sudan has been heating up and our surgical team at Bor has received a request for assistance from another MSF project located at Old Fangak. Old Fangak Médecins Sans Frontières hospital is located in the northern part...