Blogs & Stories

© FAN Ning I’m working in Chancerelle Hospital now. It is a gynaecology and obstetrics referral hospital which is used to for trauma cases and obstetric cases. Our team focuses on trauma and orthopaedic cases in two operating theatres. Physiotherapy...
© FAN Ning To my surprise, we entered Haiti by air, instead of by road. But it’s good. It took 1 hour. It was a small propellant type of aircraft. From the air, you can see the evidence of earthquake, like landslides from mountains, damaged houses,...
After chasing the sun from east to west, I finally landed at the airport in Dominican Republic. The airport was packed with many tourists, including those from Europe. Luckily the custom control man came up to me and asked if I go to Haiti. I said...
Three weeks after Haiti's devastating earthquake and it is time for Isabelle Jeanson, MSF Operational Communications Support, to depart. Saddened to leave the many patients she has met, Isabelle is touched by the dignity and solidarity the Haitian's...
In any tragedy there are always miraculous moments. A couple of those moments occurred today. The first was a privileged and lengthy discussion with the young man who works for us as a driver. We’ve been on the road for the last two days towards the...