Blogs & Stories

I wake up before my alarm goes off at 5 am and sleepily go through my morning routine- bathroom, dress up and have breakfast. We're in the car by 6 am ready to patrol the coastline of South Yemen to provide assistance to Somali and Ethiopian...
© Rosalie Ann R. REYES Like sardines both in the smuggler´s boat and UNHCR truck MSF provides medical and psychological support to Somalis and Ethiopians crossing the Gulf of Aden from Somalia to Yemen. Refugees pointed to 49 year old Abdullah and...
© Rosalie Ann R. REYES 100 refugees were crammed on the boat. The following are stories of Somalis and Ethiopians who cross the Gulf of Aden in a treacherous boat journey in search of a better life in Yemen. Their quest for sanctuary also became a...
Today is Good Friday. May I wish you all a happy Easter Holiday. We have a meeting with the Coordination Team to confirm the direction of the project early this morning. The Team came from Paris and Juba on Monday. During the l ast four days, they...
Return again after another emergency C-section at 9pm. It was a woman living far away in a village and was brought in by another NGO this evening. She had twin pregnancy with labour for three days. The baby was caught up. They thought it was a...