Blogs & Stories

Yesterday was the hottest day I ever had in the last week. It seemed it was a low pressure zone. It was cloudy and dusty. Someone said it was 50'C in the tent in the afternoon. I hoped it would rain. At night, I was woken up at midnight because of...
Let me tell you some more about our colleagues and the hospital. Our Field coordinator, again, is a beautiful French nurse. Perhaps it's the tactic MSF uses to attract so many young people to the mission. She is very smart and has lots of experience...
There are only around fifteen cases left for me. I had my ward round and made the management plan for most of my patients in the morning. A lot of them are suffering from gun-shot wounds, traffic accidents, or burns. I had two surgeries done in...
I finally arrived at Aweil with another nutrition nurse from Australia on today. Aweil is a town on the plain. Looking out from the plane, I could see a boundary-less plain with all small huts all around. The Aweil City Hospital is just opposite to...
It's 3 March, Sunday. I'm in the MSF-France Juba guest house. I arrived here on 1 March, Friday afternoon. We have to take the cargo planes from Juba to Aweil. They are supposed to take the relief to different areas. There are three flights passing...