Blogs & Stories

It's my last call duty last night. Perhaps I'm a bit excited, I can't sleep any more after about only one and a half hour's sleep. Although these are the last two days of my duty, it has still been full of excitement and surprise. We have had four...
Today is a National Holiday in Liberia. They call it Cleaning Day. It is like our Ching Ming Festival. People visit their relatives' and friends' graves. It has been a very bad day for me in Monrovia. If you can remember, I received a woman with a...
Today is a National Holiday in Liberia. They call it Cleaning Day. It is like our Ching Ming Festival. People visit their relatives' and friends' graves. It has been a very bad day for me in Monrovia. If you can remember, I received a woman with a...
Once again, Monday has been busy. While I was doing a change of dressing for a small girl with burns, our field coordinator came to the OT and told us that a pregnant woman had been admitted to ER with the umbilical cord prolapsed out of her vagina...
It is sad. We lost two patients today. The pregnant woman with burns whom we sent to Benson Hospital on Friday, died that night. The baby was stillborn. The mother's blood pressure remained low after transfer and she succumbed hours later. I...