Blogs & Stories

© Beatrice LAU In order to provide efficient and effective medical assistance, logistical support is always of the same importance as medical action in MSF, especially in medically complicated settings. As a non-medical volunteer in MSF, Yuan Pan...
Hi! How's everybody doing in Hong Kong? © Hartini SUGIANTO I'm working in Bangladesh now. Before I came here I received a lot of documents about the project, from local culture, activities, to the morbidity trends. But once I started to work, I...
Dears, The weather is very cold snowed last Sunday while I was on holiday in Xinjiang. I didn't write for the last month. Busy arranging the training by JAN who is a psychiatrist from Holland and came to conduct special training for one...
In this project where I am working, there is a new hospital (which was set up by MSF-Holland and Ministry of Health Nukus in Nov 2003) for MDR-TB patients. Patients receive all treatments free of charge. During hospitalization, families of the...
At the mercy of the rain Twice a week, MEDECINS SANS FRONTIERES travels to Deleig, a small village in the western part of Darfur. There are currently some 20,000 refugees living there, having fled from the violence of militia loyal to the government...