Blogs & Stories

Just returned from the hospital, I’m not sure whether I have made a right decision. It was Thursday night, evening before the Prayer Day, Friday. We gathered in one of our staff house for a “kat” gathering. It serves as a social function for local...
Good news of the young man with GSW remains stable. But there is still a long way to go as his chest is getting stiff after multiple transfusion. Again, we can see the beauty of mankind in this kind of situation. The patient is still in critical...
Busy day, two gun shot wounds and one road traffic accident case in the morning. Still in the Operating Theatre, waiting for the recovery of a young man. Early in the morning, two militants were brought in after gun shot injuries. One was hit on...
The whole world is now concentrating on the swine flu and the possible pandemic. Recovery from the financial crisis would bond to be delayed. But there is continuous fighting in some areas, such as Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq,...
Today manage to send the e-mail to Clara, hope you can share my experience in AlTahl. Today the main news is the outbreak of swine flu in Mexico, US and Canada. It may well be a case of flu pandemic developing. Let’s keep our finger cross. Al Tahl...