Blogs & Stories

Just returned from hospital at 9pm and finished my dinner. We had two emergency obstetric cases again this evening. The first case was another woman who delivered at home yesterday, admitted with a retained placenta. Luckily, she did not bleed so...
After all these sad stories, let me tell you some cheerful ones. The first one is about a woman who arrived the other day with pregnancy, coma and convulsion. We tried the anti-malarial treatment although the two paracheck ( test for malaria ) were...
After two days chaos in the hospital, we could take a break today. Last evening, after we returned to compound for a while, a vehicle from another NGO came. Two of their staff told us that they had brought a mother to our hospital. They could not...
(Please note: This is going to be a very sad, bloody and horrifying story. I want to record it as it's going to be part of my memory for life. If you are interested in reading, forgive me for the medical terms and be prepared.) The story started two...
I'm glad I can work with Philip, the Sri Lankan German Gynecologist. He has so much experience in the humanitarian work. He had joined 17 projects in Africa. I learnt a lot from him in last two days. He taught us, the young African doctor and myself...