
In the world’s largest refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is partnering with a Rohingya community to bear witness to the challenges, experiences and survival of Rohingya people. Laid out on a wooden panel in the backyard of an MSF health...
Six years after an unprecedented exodus of Rohingya people from Myanmar to Bangladesh, medical needs in the world's largest refugee camp remain pressing and care increasingly inadequate. In a global context marked by multiple large-scale humanitarian crises, international funding allocated to the...
After the start of the war in mid-April in Sudan, 13,800 people fleeing violence arrived in CAR, according to the UN: they are mostly Sudanese refugees, but also Central African nationals who had fled their country during different periods of crisis. While the first refugees chose to settle in the...
[Update on 7/7] On July 3-5, Israeli forces conducted a military raid in this northern West Bank city that left 12 dead and caused considerable material damage. MSF staff assessed humanitarian needs in Jenin's refugee camp on July 6, and donated emergency and trauma supplies to a community...
Following the shipwreck of 14 June which left up to 500 people dead or missing off the coast of Greece, Médecins Sans Frontieres denounces EU migration policies and calls for accountability over the lives lost and for a dedicated, proactive, state-led search and rescue mechanism at sea. “The lack...
Since the escalation of violence in Sudan, MSF has been working in 12 states: Khartoum, Kassala, Al-Jazeera, West Darfur, North Darfur, Central Darfur, South Darfur, Red Sea, El-Gedaref, Blue Nile, White Nile, and River Nile. We continue to adapt and scale up our emergency response in areas we are...
Between January and May 2023, 166,649 people risked their lives to cross from Colombia to Panama on foot through the Darién Gap—a fivefold increase from the same period in 2022. Médecins Sans Frontières teams providing care to migrants in southern Panama who survived the dangerous journey are...
This World Refugee Day, four Rohingya refugees who were forced to flee Myanmar due to targeted violence, share their stories with Médecins Sans Frontières. Their stories showcase their remarkable resilience and strength, and how the kindness of locals in Malaysia helped them get through tough times...
Bakary is an age-disputed unaccompanied minor, who lived in a squat in Marseille. He arrived in France passing through Libya and Italy. MSF offers financial and medical support to the squat which hosted some age-disputed unaccompanied children, and which is managed by a local association called ‘...
Heavy fighting resumed in Sudan’s capital after the end of the most recent ceasefire this week. MSF teams in Wad Madani have seen a worrying increase in the number of people arriving from Khartoum. Around 5,000 people were already living in three major camps around the city. In the last week, in...
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