
A team from Médecins Sans Frontières is offering psychological support to the survivors of a shipwreck that killed at least 62 people, including 12 children, a few hundred meters from Steccato di Cutro, southern Italy, on 26 February. About 180 people, mostly from Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan,...
Hospital admissions of children suffering from severe malnutrition have spiked in Dagahaley, one of three refugee camps in the Dadaab refugee complex, amid worsening humanitarian conditions in the overcrowded camps, says Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). In 2022, MSF treated a record 12,007 patients...
We, civil organisations engaged in search and rescue (SAR) activities in the central Mediterranean Sea, express our gravest concerns regarding the latest attempt by a European government to obstruct assistance to people in distress at sea. A new law decree, signed by the Italian President on 2...
This article includes the testimonies of two age-disputed unaccompanied minors who received medical care by MSF in a shelter run by MSF or in a squat in Marseille. Seydou*, 16 years old, Côte d’Ivoire If I went to school, I would be thinking about my future rather than looking back at the past My...

A torrential rain hit as I was writing this journal (in Oct 2022), the communication system is spreading the news of a Category 6- Storm alert. Refugee camps nearby got hit by slope failure, some shelters were partially damaged.

MSF is aware of one or more boat(s) carrying some 160 refugees, most likely Rohingya people, floating at sea near Malaysian waters. Some people on board have reportedly died due to lack of food or water. While MSF has no information about the specific health needs of people on the boat, it is very...
Successive waves of violence in the Central African Republic (CAR) have forced people to flee their homes, leaving everything behind. They continue today to endure the adverse effects of years of armed conflict. In Bria, where the country’s largest internally displaced people’s camp is, many of...
The deaths of two boys while awaiting approval for emergency medical care are just two of many tragic cases featured in a new report by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) that lays bare the cruelty of the long-term detainment of more than 50,000 people, the majority of whom are children, in Al-Hol,...
Libyans desperate to flee violence risk the dangerous crossing to Europe...... On November 2, the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on migration between the Italian and Libyan governments will automatically renew for three years. The European Union (EU)-sponsored agreement has seen millions of...
Twenty-six survivors of a shipwreck in the Mediterranean Sea have received psychological first aid from a team from Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) after arriving in the Sicilian port of Pozzallo on 12 September. The survivors, all Syrians and Afghans, left the coast of...
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