
Hubaib is a young Rohingya man in his 20s. He used to be a student who aspired to become a lawyer in Rakhine state. Now, Hubaib works with MSF as a volunteer in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Countless Rohingyas, including Hubaib, have been surviving in the world’s largest refugee camp for the last five...
The Rohingya people are considered “stateless” under international law. But what does the term actually mean? Medecines Sans Fronteries humanitarian affairs coordinator, Gina Bark explains the concept of statelessness and what that means to an individual. A stateless person is someone who is not...
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) spoke with five Rohingya people living in refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, to understand how they see their lives five years since being forcibly displaced from Myanmar. Representing the ages five, 15, 25, 45 and 65, together they span three generations of...
I have spent nearly 30 years exposed to emergencies and humanitarian crises. Yet, standing at our ‘hospital on the hill’ in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, now the world’s largest refugee camp, I was taken by the sheer scale of this makeshift setting. A jumble of humanity packed together in precarious...
In this summer season, SOS MEDITERRANEE, MSF and SEA-WATCH urgently call for the provision of European state-led search and rescue maritime assets in the central Mediterranean to prevent more deaths. Within five days, Geo Barents, a search and rescue ship operated by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF...
One year of operations in the Central Mediterranean have passed by, this time with the Geo Barents - Médecins Sans Frontières’ (MSF) vessel - rescuing 3,138 people and conducting 6,536 medical consultations before disembarking in a place of safety in Europe. Following last week’s tragic rescue, the...
22 people missing, one deceased on board of the Geo Barents At least 22 people are missing, and a pregnant woman died despite desperate efforts to resuscitate her, following the partial sinking of a rubber boat in the central Mediterranean Sea yesterday. Médecins Sans Frontières’ (MSF) Search and...
Like most Eritrean refugees and asylum seekers, John, now 38, left his country to escape mandatory national service for an indefinite period, which the United Nations describes as “akin to slavery”. MSF teams met him for the first time in June 2019 in a Libyan detention centre, when he was...
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The migration route through central America and Mexico is long and dangerous—those who take it cross rivers, mountainous regions, and swampy terrain. It’s not just adults that risk this dangerous journey, children of all ages are also forced to flee their homes in search of safety or a better life...
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