
The staff house of Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in Ad Dhale governorate, southern Yemen, was targeted with explosives on Monday evening, 1 October 2018. Fortunately, nobody was harmed. This was the second attack against the MSF house in less than a week. MSF strongly...
Arunn Jegan is an Australian Project Coordinator who recently returned from his second field assignment in Taiz, Yemen.
Senseless violence, lawlessness, resilient people tired of conflict, and a natio
© Agnes Varraine-Leca/MSF Since December 2017 the international coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates has intensified its airstrikes against the Houthis in northwest Yemen, leaving the inhabitants more exposed than ever. Just a few kilometres from the frontline is Haydan...
Cases of cholera may have declined in Yemen, but the ongoing war and blockade are now creating a new threat to public health, as a suspected diphtheria outbreak takes hold. By 4 December, 318 suspected cases of diphtheria and 28 deaths had been reported in 15 of Yemen’s 20 governorates. Half the...
A week of heavy violence, coupled with a crippling blockade preventing vital supplies into the country, shows new levels of disregard by warring parties for the civilian population, medical facilities and patients, says Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF). Heavy street fighting...
Over the last 3days, the Saudi-led coalition has not allowed MSF flights into Yemen, directly hindering the organisation’s ability to provide life-saving medical and humanitarian assistance to a population already in dire need. As such, MSF is calling on the Saudi-led coalition to immediately allow...
Yemen’s health service is experiencing widespread and critical problems, in part because most Ministry of Public Health and Population staff having received their last regular salary a year ago, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) warned in a report released today. MSF is calling...
Yemen has been in wars for years. A large number of people are being displaced by conflicts. With more than 376,000 displaced people among an estimated population of two million, Hajjah hosts more displaced people than any other Yemeni governorate. About a quarter of these are sheltering in Abs...
An urgent scale-up of aid is needed in the northern district of Abs, the area worst affected by Yemen’s cholera outbreak, according to Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF). The disease is spread by contaminated water, so water and sanitation activities are particularly vital to...
Update on 24 May 2017 As of last Tuesday (25 May), MSF teams set up six cholera treatment centres and support government-run medical facilities in Yemen. MSF have altogether treated over 5000 patients. As cases of cholera and acute watery diarrhea rise across Yemen, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors...
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