
Dr. Joanne Liu, MSF International President Speech before United Nations Security Council, 28 September, 2016 Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen: Last week the world witnessed a savage attack on a United Nations and Syrian Red Crescent humanitarian convoy, and on a hospital near Aleppo. Secretary...
“I’d rather get bombed and die straightaway. Don’t make me lose a limb or something. I’ll be very upset,” quipped Singapore-based Dr.
Following the August 15 aerial bombing of Abs Hospital in Yemen’s Hajjah Governorate, which killed 19 people and injured 24, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has decided to evacuate its staff from the hospitals it supports in Saada and Hajjah governorates in Northern Yemen,...
Late last night, three of the five patients hospitalized after yesterday’s airstrike that hit a hospital supported by Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in northwestern Yemen, died, raising the death toll from 11 to 14 people, according to the latest information gathered by the...
Four MSF supported facilities have come under attack in the last year Abs hospital, in Hajjah governorate, northwestern Yemen, was hit by an airstrike at 3:45 pm local time on 15 August, killing at least 11 people and injuring at least 19. The blast immediately killed nine people, including a MSF...
"we are surrounded by danger every single second." "The hospital is a second home for patients." “We attend to the tiniest details of our patients around the clock” ‘’The Gaza war taught us that the price of preparing a breakfast meal can prove to be very costly; we are surrounded by danger every...
Two months into the ceasefire in Yemen civilians continue to be severely affected by violence according to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Since the ceasefire started in April, MSF facilities and supported hospitals treated a staggering 1,624 people with injuries caused by the intense fighting in...
After intense fighting in Taiz, MSF-supported hospitals in the city received in one day 122 wounded patients on Friday 3 June 2016. A further 12 were dead on arrival. The vast majority of the wounded were civilians. Today, as fighting continues, three injured children from the same family were...
Speech by Dr. Joanne Liu International President, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) United Nations Security Council Briefing May 3, 2016, New York, USA Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, Last Wednesday, airstrikes obliterated Al Quds Hospital in Aleppo. They blew apart at least 50 men, women and...
Saada is an area controlled by anti-government Houthi forces that was experiencing almost daily attacks from Coalition air forces. These air strikes were often close to our facilities and we clearly felt their effects.
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