
A cargo plane chartered by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) carrying 15 tonnes of urgently needed medical supplies landed in Sana’a on 13 April, but continued and increased access to the country is still required. The plane which flew from Djibouti has delivered emergency medical kits comprising of...
Anees Dayan, MSF Nurse, Aden Emergency Surgical Unit We have to be prepared for mass casualties, as we are an Emergency Surgical Unit. We have received many mass casualties since MSF started working here in 2012, but the situation has never been worse. Within two weeks we have received many mass-...
The first boat organised by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) carrying 1.7 tonnes of urgently needed medical supplies for the MSF hospital in Aden successfully docked in the city today. An MSF emergency surgical team also arrived on a separate boat. The MSF shipment which arrived from Djibouti...
More than two dozen people injured in an airstrike today at a displaced persons camp in northern Yemen have been treated by Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), the organization announced. The bombardment this morning hit the Al Mazraq Camp, located in Hajjah Governorate. At...
Scores of people have been wounded in fighting in Yemen over recent days, with many treated at the Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) hospital in the southern city of Aden. Clashes in Aden have increased after Houthi fighters entered the city yesterday morning. Looting is...
Testimonies gathered in the detention centre for migrants in Sana'a, Yemen. June 23-25, 2013 Taju Hassane TURDO (31 years old) “I had a good and beautiful life. I supported my family in peace and in health. My children didn’t have problems getting enough milk. They didn’t have any kind of problems...
Since April 7, Yemeni authorities have released 1,620 migrants who were held by smugglers in farms – some of them for months – in Haradh region, in the north of the country. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is assisting these migrants, including 62 children and 142 women, and referred 71 severely ill...
This new attack threatens MSF medical mission Patients at a surgical hospital in Aden had to be evacuated and staff were forced to shut down the facility following tensions and shooting that took place in and around the compound on 27th September, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) said recently. “Two...
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) expresses deep concern about the security of its surgical center in Aden after a group of armed men forcibly entered the hospital on Monday night (18th/19th June) and attempted to take away a patient, who was being treated in the emergency room. MSF staff tried its...
The increase of violence and fighting since last Saturday in southern Yemen has led to a high number of victims and wounded among civilians. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams already received and treated 8 severely injured patients at Aden hospital, transferred from Jaar Health Post, and 43 were...
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