
The medical humanitarian organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has shipped 80 tonnes of medical equipment and supplies to Haiti by air and by road since mid-June, after three months without being able to import medicines and supplies, which directly threatened its activities in the country...
Since the end of February, Port-au-Prince has been engulfed in unprecedented violence, cutting off the Haitian capital from the outside world following the closure of the airport and ports. The escalating insecurity has severely disrupted the medical operations of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF),...
Dr Priscille Cupidon, medical activity manager of the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) urban violence project in Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, explains how the chronic extreme violence gripping the city has impacted medical care and healthcare workers like her. I am a doctor in Haiti's...
The first survey in more than a decade to examine the impact of violence on mortality in Haiti reveals the extreme levels of violence experienced by residents of Cité Soleil, the largest slum in the capital, Port-au-Prince. The retrospective mortality survey was carried out by Epicentre, the...
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is scaling up its medical activities in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, to care for the mounting number of people injured in the chaos that has engulfed the Haitian capital since the February 28 announcement that general elections may be postponed as late as August 2025. The...
On Tuesday, a group of armed men stopped an MSF ambulance in Port-au-Prince. They took a patient out by force and killed him. MSF is suspending all activities in the Turgeau Emergency Centre indefinitely. On Tuesday 12 December at 4:00 p.m., a severely wounded man was admitted to MSF’s Emergency...
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) fully resumed medical services at its Tabarre hospital in Port-au-Prince on August 28, after an armed intrusion on July caused the organization suspend admissions in the trauma centre. “We are pleased to resume all activities and be at the service of the public once...

Claudia, a nurse supervisor at MSF's Turgeau Emergency Centre in Port-au-Prince, describes how her team provides vital medical care in the midst of widespread insecurity and economic hardships.

Last night, approximately 20 armed men violently entered the Médecins Sans Frontières hospital in Tabarre, in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince, to forcibly remove a patient with gunshot wounds who was still in the operating room. MSF strongly condemns this incursion, which demonstrates once again...
Faced with unsustainable security risks, Médecins Sans Frontières has been forced to close its hospital in the Cité Soleil area of the Haitian capital as a temporary measure on March 7. Violence has been spreading throughout Port-au-Prince since 28 February, leaving those caught in the crossfire...
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