Blogs & Stories

In less than three weeks here, I treated 3 babies surgically, not counting those I delivered through Caesarian section on their mothers. All of them less than a month old. © Ryan KO First a baby which is delivered in our hospital with a meningocele...
I visited MSF project in the village of Doro in South Sudan. The international staff and I were staying in these tents. © Gloria LEUNG Our Logisticians arranged to build some Tukuls here, so we can have a better place to sleep to store our energy.
Life is hard in South Sudan. Hot climate, no rain for a large part of the year makes agriculture difficult. Lack of clean water and proper sanitation makes poor health condition. Lack of education makes slow progress in the community. Mud, dust,...
This is my bedroom in Juba, South Suda. Although it is a very basic, it is very nice to have a fan and a mosquito net. © Gloria LEUNG Good night, tomorrow is another day!
Since 2008, it's the third time I'm on the continent of Africa. Starting from Monrovia of Liberia, then Aweil in South Sudan, and now Nasir of South Sudan. © Ryan KO Each time the area I go is becoming more and more primitive. Last year when I...