Blogs & Stories

“Everyone is happy when the rain comes.” This is what my assistant told me after the rainstorm last week. Over the past few days, I could really fell the changes brought by the rain. In few days time, Doro transformed from a place with mud and dried...
Today, I have witnessed South Sudan’s first rainstorm in 2013, which also signified the end of dry season and the beginning of rainy season. By the time I went back to the base, my tent was completely flooded with water and mud, and everything on...
Finally arrived the project location–Doro Refugee Camp, South Sudan. It was a long journey, which took 3 days, including 5 transits (in Amsterdam, Brussels, Frankfurt, Addis Ababa and Juba) and 4 briefings. I was really surprised by the amount of...
This is how we work out in South Sudan.
“We know about Cholera, Meningitis, Malaria, Polio, small pox… They are the old diseases killing millions of people in last century. In many developed countries, people got vaccination and better health care, they are no longer untreatable. But here...