Blogs & Stories

Gunshot wound is something totally rare in our city and it seems to be something very serious. But for me I saw and treated half a hundred of these already; in South Sudan, Yemen, Papua New Guinea & now in Central African Republic. Unlike in our...
It took me more than 7 hours car movement to arrive at Bossangoa. We started at 6:15am and swapped car with an outcoming expatriate which is a good friend of mine. She's a Dutch medical doctor who worked with me 2 years ago in Nasir, South Sudan. It...
After 40 hours of flight and transit time, I finally arrived at Bangui, the capital of Central African Republic (CAR). Feeling tired and exhausted but I still needed to go through a whole day of briefing since arrival in the early morning, so...
Always wanted to introduce my team, luckily, there was a picture drew by my colleague unintentionally, so just use it to explain what makes me proud of my team. My team consists of more than twenty people, composed by Pakistan local staff and seven...
Near dinner time, the phone rang as usual, colleagues informed me there was something urgent and needed my hands. The patient was a little girl, general appearance was critical, no chest ups and downs, appeared to have no breathing. Even to the neck...