
Following a bomb blast on 15 September at a funeral in the Jandol area of Lower Dir in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, dozens of severely injured people have been treated by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams and existing medical staff in the Timergara District Hospital emergency room. Seven people...
With the monsoon season in full swing, the independent medical humanitarian organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has been receiving an increasing number of patients with acute watery diarrhoea in different areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province (KPK) as well as in Kurram Agency in the...
MSF condemns use of medical aid for military objectives; reported ruse risks damaging trust critical for health workers and humanitarian aid The United States government’s alleged misuse of a vaccination campaign in Pakistan for counter-terrorism purposes constitutes a dangerous abuse of medical...
On Thursday, May 26, 2011, a suicide attack left 36 people dead and approximately 60 wounded near a police station in the city of Hangu in northwest Pakistan, just a few blocks from the hospital where MSF teams staff the emergency and surgery departments. Working with the hospital's teams, MSF...
Up to 160 international and 1500 national MSF staff worked in the country. More than 100000 people received free medical consulations; 8800 children received nutritional treatment MSF provided more than 2.1 million litres of drinkable water per day. Total of 73700 relief items, 22600 tents, 2000...
Dusty, thin tents and shelters made of tree branches stretch off into the distance in the vast, unplanted fields of Raziq Binu village, Sindh Province. Outside these makeshift shelters, children play with pieces of wood and trash. The onset of winter means that temperatures will continue to drop as...
Barely hidden beneath the surface of Pakistan's worst flooding in living memory were the geopolitical stakes shaping both the justifications for official Western assistance and how aid was delivered to victims of the disaster. The perverse result may be a further restricting of the ability of...
Sadia is five years old. Seven times a day she takes a precarious walk of nearly half a kilometre to her family’s meagre shelter with two heavy pots of water balanced on her head and a bottle of water clenched under a skinny arm. In August the monsoon floods swept through her hometown of Khairpur...
Mohammed Khan* was spending the summer holiday, waiting to join the 10th grade when the floods came and submerged his hometown of Khaipur and many other parts of Pakistan. The torrential rains and massive water flows washed away his village Khaipur and changed his life. Fleeing their collapsed...
Gulatun is due to give birth in two months time, but the baby’s placenta is blocking her uterus, meaning she will need a caesarean section. “I became worried about my baby when I started bleeding for a few days. Someone in the camp told me I should come to this hospital. I really hope my baby will...
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