
© Seinn Seinn Min/MSF

Seinn Seinn Min is a health promoter with Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders (MSF) who has recently returned from a posting in Pakistan. She shares her experience…

Turn off the busy Maripur road and cross the railway line, water buffalos grazing to your right, tuk-tuks and brightly-painted trucks parked haphazardly on the verge to your left, and you’ll enter one of the main thoroughfares of Machar Colony in Karachi. Sprawling over an area of almost 300km2 it...
Arish was born in October 2018 at the MSF birthing unit in Chaman District Headquarter (DHQ) Hospital, Balochistan. He was discharged in good health. Just four days after his birth, however, he was back at the hospital in severe distress. His mother, Malaika, was unable to produce enough milk to...
After 14 years of presence in Kurram district, in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is withdrawing from the area. The authorities have refused to issue a no objection certificate (NoC), without providing any explanation. With no valid NoC, MSF cannot...
Yesterday, I celebrated International Women’s Day which is essentially a day of solidarity for women fighting for human rights in different aspects of life.
An earthquake variously recorded at between 7.6 and 8.1 on the Richter scale rocked parts of northeastern Afghanistan and northwestern Pakistan on the afternoon of 26 October. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) medical projects in north western Pakistan were faced with an initial influx of seriously...
It was 3rd June when I arrived at Islamabad airport from my 3-day briefing from MSF Hong Kong.
In the streets of Chaman, in Pakistan’s southern state of Baluchistan, women are not easy to find.
From July to December 2014, Dr Yasmine Ley headed up the neonatal unit at MSF’s obstetrics and gynaecology hospital in Peshawar, northern Pakistan. A look back at her six-month mission. “Her father hadn’t whispered Allah’s name at her birth*. He did it on the twenty-fifth day, when we were...
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