
New rise in water levels delays aid effort As new areas of Pakistan get affected by floods daily, the zones that had received the first blow suffer fresh water level rise. Continuous and sometimes heavy rains that fell on Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan provinces have significantly impeded on...
“Catastrophic” situation found in Charsadda and Nowshera districts Although water is receding in some areas, the needs of people who have had to leave their homes are increasing and becoming more and more urgent. MSF’s response is increasing and focusing on providing drinking water, basic relief...
Official figures now speak of more than 3 million people having been directly affected by the floods, and more than 1500 confirmed deaths. More rains are expected in the coming days and could cause renewed flooding and create problems in areas that have up until now been unaffected. But some areas...
Dr Awais YAGUB is a Pakistani doctor and an MSF deputy medical coordinator in Pakistan. He is currently working in Charsadda, one of the districts hardest hit by the floods. What is the situation like today in Charsadda district? Many houses in the district were flooded by water and half of the...
During the weekend, MSF has completed several surveys to get a better picture of people’s needs following the worst floods in Pakistan in 80 years. MSF is now expanding activities to include water and sanitation provision, and is also distributing kits containing hygiene products, cooking utensils...
Recent heavy rainfall in Pakistan’s north-western region has directly affected 400,000 people and caused widespread destruction to houses and infrastructure. MSF is currently assessing the situation in order to tailor its response to this emergency. MSF is carrying out exploratory missions in Swat...
Following an explosion in the Lower Dir district of Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province on Monday, doctors and medical staff from the medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and Pakistan’s Ministry of Health treated 88 injured people, most of whom were seriously wounded in the blast...
Over the last couple of weeks, Médecins Sans Frontières(MSF) conducted a distribution of basic relief items to more than 35,000 people currently displaced inside Kurram Agency, in the Federally Administrated Tribal Area (FATA). Since November 2009, Central Kurram Agency has been the theatre of an...
Local authorities must find adequate resources to accommodate this vulnerable population International medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is deeply shocked by the forced evacuation of about 7,000 displaced people from Munda (Lower Dir, North West Frontier Province). Yesterday, 25...
“There is an urgent need to set up a proper camp for these people” On Tuesday January 12th in Munda, in Lower Dir district of the North West Frontier Province, Pakistan, Médecins Sans Frontières(MSF) and Department of Health staff started a measles vaccination campaign for the displaced population...
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