
It was a hot morning, emergency room was busy as usual. While all colleagues were fully occupied by patients, one more patient had arrived by stretcher.
One woman dies nearly every hour in Pakistan from complications of giving birth. The maternal mortality rate is even higher in Baluchistan than the rest of the country. The largest but least populated province has some of the lowest national developmental indicators. A third of the women marry...
I had a birthday on the front line, Chaman, Pakistan
While the world’s media focuses on stories of violence and drone attacks in north-west Pakistan, local families struggle through another bitter winter in the mountains, with little or no access to healthcare. There was the baby who was so cold, his lower body was turning blue. To reach the local...
I am now in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, and have been waiting for a week for a special permit to my workplace, Pakistan's Chaman.
 Photo source: Xenia DAVID
We just finished a medical mission in the province of Bukidnon, Philippines. My friend and fellow anaesthetist looked at me incredulously after learning that I accepted a medical assignment to Pakistan with MSF.
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