
When you are working 24/7, one always tries to get a bit of rest on Saturday afternoon and Sunday but things are not always happening in your way.
Going to south Sudan is never easy, it’s even worse when you only get 2 days’ notice. I needed to stay in Nairobi, Kenya waiting for a special travel permit for South Sudan for 4 days before departing to Juba, where I stayed 2 more nights.
Time flies, it is near the end of mission without much notice.
Today we admitted a 11 years girl, she had an accident with her right foot being jammed on a stone then fell on to ground, that caused a twist-fall injury and her leg bone was broken & probed out of her skin.
Leorne RAYMOND, victim of the January earthquake. She has broken her left thigh bone, left leg bones and a broken right ankle. She was put on tibial traction for the treatment of her femoral fracture, an external fixator for her leg fracture.
We have a 26 year old man coming in with an infected swollen right leg and having a fever. He is a victim of the earthquake with the last 2 toes amputated.
In a poor country, anything unfortunate can happen. We had a 15% burn adult patient died today due to septicaemia. His condition is not that bad and had skin graft done already.
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